Embedded Systems

Dynamically adapting to the ever-changing technological landscape, which increasingly emphasizes the automation of routine tasks and processes on a daily basis, through the acquisition of various types of real-time data from electronic sources, conducting respective analytics, and generating of relevant decisions, increases the role of integrated systems while microelectronics capabilities also growths exponentially in its potential.

From personal smartphones and smartwatches, extending to smart home devices, or integration to the industrial robots, embedded systems allows efficient resolution of complex tasks.

Focusing on sustainable development, simultaneously pursuing the implementation of innovation strategies, the role of embedded systems and microelectronics becomes increasingly pivotal in addressing the evolving requirements of every modern society.

Challenges of Embedded system and microelectronics field

Despite the fact that the scope of using embedded systems and microelectronic devices is vast, and their capabilities remain diverse, integrating them into day to day practices encompasses specific technical and economic challenges.

Technological advancements in this field will address challenges such as simplifying complex architectures, improving energy efficiency of systems, miniaturization, and more.

Furthermore, amidst increased cybersecurity risks, the development of secure systems become an essential and pivotal aspect requiring meticulous attention when dealing with this matter.

Focus Areas

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT), as the most significant pilar of the fourth industrial revolution, encompasses the automation of processes and activities in both business operations and industrial production.


The convergence of IoT, whether it be hardware, software, network architecture, or security components, constitutes a highly complex subject that continues to evolve and undergo constant changes.

The teams at EIERC dedicated to microelectronics and telecommunication engineering work intensively on the implementation of IoT sensor networks, focusing on protocols and hardware decisions.


The EIERC, in the field of robotics, explores automatic control systems, human-robot interaction, autonomous navigations, and the integration of such systems into various domains such as geology, security, agriculture, medicine, and others.

Industrial Electronics

The foundation of general industrial progress represents the stability and effectiveness of industrial equipment. 

The focus on research for this subject is concentrated on power electronics and industrial control systems, along with the extensive automation of productions processes.

PCB Design

There is no electronic device without electronic components and electronic circuit boards, whose design and production represent a pivotal aspect of the center's operational focus.

The integrity of signals, electromagnetic interference, thermal management, both external and internal noise control, poses challenges requiring respective research which is crucial for the building of energy-efficient and stable electronic devices.