Signal and Systems

"Signals and Systems" represent the foundation that encompasses the continuous development of cutting-edge electronic technologies and telecommunication systems. The capability of signals and systems allows us to analyze and transform informational signals into various forms for any type of data.

Signals and systems form an important area of interest within the center's scientific and research activities, as it opens the door to various other topics explored by the center. The work related to signals and systems is divided into digital signal processing (DSP) and processing of digital data, with a focus on the intricacies of digital representations and processing of signals.

Research Focus

Digital Image Processing

Exploring algorithms for processing and analyzing digital images, with a specific focus on tasks such as image segmentation and classification, holds significance in various domains. This includes applications in bio-medical imaging, the transportation sector, as well as tasks involving the recognition and identification of both printed and handwritten images, and more broadly, in image recognition exercises.

Digital Signal Processing

The center's research in DSP revolves around analyzing digital signals and precise filters, with a primary emphasis on recognizing acoustic/audio signals and exploring radio and radar signals.

Image Compression

It is essential to efficiently compress images to minimize data loss during transmission in low-bandwidth telecommunication networks. Furthermore, this is important for archiving and processing digital data with minimal storage requirements.

Sparse Signal Processing

Sparse Signal Processing involves efficiently representing signals with a small set of significant values. This area is crucial for applications like compressed sensing, where signals are sampled at lower rates without sacrificing information accuracy.